Usma Kashaf, hails from Lahore, Pakistan and is a mother and wife. She currently lives in the USA and has her own business. Usma Kashaf, Mrs. Pakistan World 2018 Mrs. Pakistan World 2018 Usma Kashaf – Mrs. Pakistan World 2018 Mrs. Pakistan World 2018 Usma Kashaf, Mrs. Pakistan World 2018 Tags:beauty pageantsmrs pakistanmrs pakistan 2018Mrs Pakistan pageantMrs Pakistan universemrs pakistan worldMrs universeMrs universe pageantMrs worldMuskan jayPakistan beauty pageantPakistani pageantsusma kashaf
0 627 1 Achievers Usma Kashaf – Mrs. Pakistan World 2018 by Usma Kashaf, hails from Lahore, Pakistan and is a mother and wife. She currently lives in the USA and has her own... Read More