Mrs. Pakistan World 2023

Fatima Fakhar – Mrs. Pakistan World 2023
1: Tell us a bit about your background and upbringing?
My name is Fatima Fakhar, I am a Govt officer in Federal Govt of Pakistan, a certified gym instructor and specialist in weight Management, I am a gym owner and entrepreneur of the supply chain of gym equipment’s and lady’s workout costumes. My father is a retired Government officer and now a well-known established advocate in Supreme Court. I top my university in English Literature at 2013 as well as my thesis awarded one of the best literary papers of that year. I got married in 2015, I am a proud married woman and a proud mother of 2 sons.

2: Why did you participate in MRS. PAKISTAN WORLD 2023 in Lahore.?
The reason of my participation in MRS.PAKISTAN WORLD 2023 that I want to tell the world that Marriage is a beautiful thing for a girl not the destruction of beauty, a girl can do anything if she is brave and determine, woman is the second name of beauty, acknowledge yourself, love yourself. I wanted to do something different and I found it in the pageant industry of Pakistan.
3: How does it feel to be appointed as MRS. Pakistan world?
I am Successful in Motherhood, successful in my official career, now I am a beauty queen. I am taking every day and every opportunity as a blessing, I feel blesses that my name is not called by my name, it is called by my Country name as MRS. PAKISTAN WORLD.
4: What are your career pathways?

I am very passionate and particular about my professional life, beside Government job, I am a gym owner and now I am Mrs. Pakistan World 2023, I want to open a chain of gyms exclusively for women, where instructor and Nutritionist guide them free of cost simultaneously , because infertility, obesity is very common in females, I want to do extraordinary for hopeless and under budget ladies who has been struggling since long about their internal health, do work in females health and fitness according to the WHO guidelines, I am determined about my Pageant career as well, because it has given me a unique career path and new identity where I can inspire many people and represent Pakistan internationally.
5: What advice would you give to many Pakistani young girls?
These three things work a lot in Successful life, just work hard, work on your body, work on your behavior, work on your relationships, and be honest on every aspect of your life.
6: What charities would you like to support in Pakistan?

I have firm believe in charities, I closely observe infertile people, infertile couples in Pakistan who has no knowledge about the power of female health, I am a strong member of FIT ME and Jahan foundation Johar town Lahore organization, in which we charity to those couples who want to become parents but they can’t do it due to poor financial condition or poor knowledge of health. For me Motherhood is doubtlessly the most precious title from God towards me and Mrs. Pakistan World 2023 is the most beautiful title from Jewry, I want to combine them and want to work infertility in Pakistan.
7: Are you excited to represent Pakistan in international pageants?
I know Pakistan is a developing country, but the courage, the beauty, the intelligence in Pakistani women is remarkable, I’ll be very happy to overshine all over the world and I am very excited to represent married women in the main stream, want to rectify Pakistan image in front of World.